Criações da Chef Mizuki!

... Falando nisso, a cada ano a Fábrica de Chocolate da Mizuki abre (risos)
Durante o tempo fora do trabalho, sempre costumo comprar igredientes e embalagens,
entre outras coisas~ o(^-^)o
Este ano, estou muito animado, porque eu tenho itens e Mizuki lindos que vou utilizar ♪
Meus braços estão prontos para a produção ~ヽ(≧▽≦)/
Tradução: Juliano Gardiman
Fonte: Site Oficial
Fonte: Site Oficial
Creations of Chef Mizuki!
Creations of Chef Mizuki!
The Valentine's Day is approaching ♪
... Speaking of Valentine's Day, each year the Mizuki's Chocolate Factory opens (laughs)
During the time off work, I usually always buy ingredients and packaging
among other things ~ o(^-^)o
This year, I'm very excited because I got beautiful items and igredients, that will be useful ♪
My arms are ready for production ~ヽ(≧▽≦)/
... Speaking of Valentine's Day, each year the Mizuki's Chocolate Factory opens (laughs)
During the time off work, I usually always buy ingredients and packaging
among other things ~ o(^-^)o
This year, I'm very excited because I got beautiful items and igredients, that will be useful ♪
My arms are ready for production ~ヽ(≧▽≦)/
Translation: Juliano Gardiman
Source: Official Site
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