Rainha e Rei juntos!

Após esses 2 fervorosos dias, a viagem de amizade se materializa...!
Estou muito feliz e não aguento a esperar para ve-lo ♪ ♪ ♪
A verdade é que ontem, eu tive a sessão de fotos para a capa ~っ(^O^)/
Faz quase 2 meses desde que eu usei aqueles trajes do CASTLE ☆
Há ainda lembranças de ter lutado com esses uniformes, com a cabeça erguida!
Juntos no estúdio tudo relacionado ao palco para tirar fotos lindas e elegantes!
Por favor, esteja atento, ok? o(^-^)o
Queen and King Together
It was announced the date for sale "LIVE CASTLE × Journey BD and DVD"
After these two ardent days, the journey of friendship materializes...!
I'm very happy and can't stand to wait to see it
The truth is that yesterday, I had a photo shoot for the cover
It's been almost two months since I used those CASTLE costumes
There are still memories of fighting with these uniforms, with my head up!
Joined in the studio everything related to the stage to take beautiful and elegant pictures!
Please be aware of everything, ok?
After these two ardent days, the journey of friendship materializes...!
I'm very happy and can't stand to wait to see it
The truth is that yesterday, I had a photo shoot for the cover
It's been almost two months since I used those CASTLE costumes
There are still memories of fighting with these uniforms, with my head up!
Joined in the studio everything related to the stage to take beautiful and elegant pictures!
Please be aware of everything, ok?
Translation: Juliano Gardiman
Source: Official Site
Source: Official Site
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