Veja a família Yagami!
Injetado uma grande quantidade de energia espiritual com todas as minhas forças e com o meu querido "Fate" っ(≧ω≦)b
Depois de terminar a gravação, houve uma reunião e uma sessão de fotos...☆
Posteriormente, a família Yagami foi a um estúdio de fotografia (risos)
Pela primeira vez tiramos uma foto de família ♪
Espontaneamente Nacchan disse: "Alf e Fate também!"
Uma grande equipe,
Foi uma contribuição muito engraçada do início ao fim (*^-^*)
Tradução: Juliano Gardiman
Fonte: Site oficial
Watch the Yagami family!
Today was the second day of recording of "Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha The MOVIE 2nd A's" っ(^O^)/
Injected a large amount of spiritual energy with all my strength and my dear "Fate" っ(≧ω≦)b
After finishing the recording, there was a meeting and a photo session...☆
Subsequently, the Yagami family went to a photography studio (laughs)
For the first time we took a family photo ♪
Spontaneously Nacchan said: "Alf and Fate, too!"
A great team,
Contribution was a very funny from start to finish (*^-^*)
Translation: Juliano Gardiman
Source: Official website
Injected a large amount of spiritual energy with all my strength and my dear "Fate" っ(≧ω≦)b
After finishing the recording, there was a meeting and a photo session...☆
Subsequently, the Yagami family went to a photography studio (laughs)
For the first time we took a family photo ♪
Spontaneously Nacchan said: "Alf and Fate, too!"
A great team,
Contribution was a very funny from start to finish (*^-^*)
Translation: Juliano Gardiman
Source: Official website
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